pr petition jeremy hunt

Petition to Secretary of State for Health, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

The Department of Health in England has commissioned NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) to revise their guidelines on supportive and palliative care in adults.

A draft document, introduced during the consultation period, which ended on Friday 29th January 2016, missed out the section on Complementary Therapies. No statement has been released by the DOH for this omission, which is causing great concern among professional practitioners of complementary therapies and the general public.

In raising an objection to the above and bringing a greater awareness of this critical situation, this petition recognises the work and dedication by fully qualified practitioners of complementary therapies and the benefits to adults, which it instils.

Complementary therapies are an important part of a healthy society in this 21st Century. Adults suffering from chronic illness, life-threatening conditions and diseases such as cancer, should be given the option of receiving complementary therapy, as part of their holistic care.

Holistic is defined in the dictionary as 'the consideration of the complete person in the treatment of disease'. Clearly translated it refers to a healthy balance on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Unbelievable that NICE who advocate the need for carrying out an holistic needs assessment of people with cancer, have deleted this essential element of care from their report.

The urgency by NICE to complete the consultation period in record time, although the full report will not be published until 2018, raises another important question – what are they trying to hide? Managing to keep it secret from the Media points to a case of 'back-door' politics.

Hospitals, hospices, General Practitioners and other care providers consult these reports when arranging care for their patients. Busy work schedules allow for little or no time to conduct their own research into complementary therapies and the testimonials by patients, family members and others who have witnessed their benefits will be overlooked.

Wendy Finke, Chair of Professional Reflexology said, “Very early in my career as a Reflexologist I was asked to treat the mother of a friend who was suffering terminal cancer. There is no doubt in my mind, that the treatments helped enormously. She told me that the only time she was pain free, was on the days that I treated her. Because of this, her quality of life was enhanced.”

At a time when the NHS in England is in chaos – hospitals on black alert, operations cancelled and doctors and nurses reaching out for complementary therapies to reduce the high levels of stress experienced, this latest move makes the current healthcare situation even more critical.

Thousands of adult patients across England will miss out on therapies that could reduce their pain, help them feel calmer and more at peace with their health
condition, improve their sleep patterns, assist in the recovery and recuperation period where deemed medically possible and fully address their holistic needs, if the section on complementary therapies is not reinstated. Don't let NICE and the DOH take this option away!

Please sign & share this petition here: https://goo.gl/eETTWt

© Ana Collingridge for Professional Reflexology

Our thanks to Ana for this article. Ana is a complementary therapist who contacted PR because of our stand against the NICE proposals.

Anastasia Collingridge is a natural intuitive and freelance writer. Over the past 30 years, she has developed her spiritual understanding by studying Western Astrology, Earth Astrology (Native American Medicine Wheel), Colour Therapy, Aromatherapy, Tarot and Numerology. Anastasia is also a qualified Spiritual Coach, Reiki Healer/Master, Sekhem Healer/Master and Dream Analyst. Anastasia writes a regular ‘Dream Analysis’ column for the South West Connection magazine http://www.theconnections.co.uk

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